
*****Artigo sobre o mito do "O meu filho vai deixar de treinar para se focar nos estudos" 

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****Artigo sobre os 10 melhores Bailarinos de todos os tempos

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Letter for Artists 🌎

Hello. Here's one thing I know about you. One week ago, you were feeling either the winner of the world or the lowest person of all generations. So let me tell you something...right now I have my mind telling me (on repeat) that maybe I should give up. That maybe I'm not good enough and maybe, just maybe, this isn't for me, even if I believe a 100% in myself, which I do. You know it will always have times when you'll feel like you don't have it. Like you you'll never achieve your goal. Like there will always be someone who's better than you. And that's precisely what you should be thankful for. That's what will keep you on working yourself. Because I know you're that ambitious. Just like me. Just like any other artist who wants to survive. And we all want the same but just some of us will have it. So why not you? Why not me? If it has to be somebody, tell me, why are you doubting yourself? You're supposed to be supporting yourself, not killing your soul. Don't do that to you. Don't be your first and worst enemy, please. This is exactly the moment where you stand up and show those motherf*ckers inside your head that you are capable of anything you'll set yourself up for. You are. Jesus, you fucking seriously are. So don't take things personally. Don't give up on your first"no", and definitely don't give up on the 54281° one. Yes you'll see things that will leave you so angry and frustrated, with such a desire to hide yourself for the next 90 years just because you were right there, in front of them and you weren't the chosen one, after all your hard work. Or situations where you'll have to stop just a micro second of time to think if you should do x or z and just like a wave on the sea you are completely substituted by someone who was waiting for that empty step of yours, who was waiting for your failure. The world of arts it's the most wonderful but you have to stay intelligent bc it's also the most dangerous. So yes, determined, bold, positive..., but always intelligent. That's what will make the journey beautiful. Keep pushing. Keep believing. Keep doing you. Your time will come, but only if you fight for it. And it doesn't matter the way others look to you or what they say. You'll make noise, a whole crowd standing up just for your talent, thanking you for bringing it to the world. You will. But until there just have to be fierce and hungry, but you also have to stay humble and simple. Intelligent. That's what will make you unspeakable...and unstoppable. BLOG : Fraesme

"Todas as pessoas dançam
Todos as pessoas que conheces, dançam,
Tu próprio inclusive..
Umas dançam bem
Outras mal,
Algumas fora de ritmo, envergonhadas ou até descontroladasOutras dominam a pista de dança como verdadeiros bailarinos profissionais.
A verdade é que todas as pessoas dançam, no ritmo da música, do coração ou num próprio ritmo que só tu conheces, ouves ou sentes.. Sim, mesmo quando mais ninguém ouve o teu “beat, estás a dançar.
Dançar é partilha, é união, é dar ao mundo aquilo que nos define sem cordas, amarras, sem medos nem preconceitos… É por um momento seres tu próprio.
É tão bom dançar…
E, tu? Já dançaste hoje?
Feliz Dia Mundial da Dança! "  Vitor Fonseca "Cifrão" 

****Para ler e refletir ! Aplicável à Dança ou a qualquer outra atividade.

Ou melhoras... ou desistes... a escolha é TUA!
Desistir é o caminho fácil... Treinar todos os dias para melhorar é o caminho difícil...
Mas no final do dia, a escolha é sempre TUA!
Eu já desisti... e também já treinei todos os dias para melhorar!
E a diferença é a tua ATITUDE!
Quem ganha não é quem joga mais tempo ou marca mais pontos, mas sim quem treina duro todos os dias e evolui diariamente, mesmo que seja só um bocadinho!
Só vais perceber isso daqui a uns anos quando aqueles putos armados em "estrelas" vão desaparecendo e aqueles miúdos, que afinal até já vão jogando melhor, começam a ultrapassar todos os obstáculos que aparecem pela frente!
O SUCESSO dá mesmo muito TRABALHO

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**** Am i a Bad Teacher ?
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